by platform

(Беларуская) Аўдыягід па Цэнтральным батанічным садзе

Sorry, this entry is only available in Беларуская. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Аўдыягід для Цэнтральнага батанічнага сада Нацыянальнай акадэміі навук Беларусі). Старонка аўдыягіда: Мэта распрацоўкі – павышэнне зручнасці і свабоды перамяшчэння па месцах […]


(Беларуская) Аўдыягід па Лідскім замку

Sorry, this entry is only available in Беларуская. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Аўдыягід па Лідскім замку. Старонка аўдыягіда: Мэта распрацоўкі – даць магчымасць рэальным і віртуальным наведвальнікам пазнаёміцца з экспанатамі Лідскага замка падчас […]


Romanizator (Руthon)

The “Romanizator Py”  service is designed to convert a Belarusian text written in Cyrillic characters into a text written in Latin characters. The service receives a Belarusian text recorded in the Belarusian Cyrillic alphabet. The text may have the form of personal names, geographical names or other information. After processing the text, at the output the […]


Morse Code Recognition

The «Morse Code Recognizer» service is designed to recognize an audio file and return the result in Morse code. The recorded or uploaded audio file containing the sounds of Morse code is fed to the input of the service. The file is processed by the service algorithms and gives the user Morse code in the […]


Text Summarizer

The «Text Summarizer» service is designed to automatically summarize arbitrary text documents. It takes any text data as an input and returns its summary as an output.   Basic terms and concepts Source text – any input text data to summarize. Summary – a shortened version of the source text. Summarization – the process of making […]


Nearest Words Finder

The «Nearest Words Finder» service processes sequences of characters separated by indentation characters and compares them with user dictionary sequences. The result of the service work is an HTML table with «word – match» pairs, where the word is the original sequence of characters, the match is the dictionary sequence of characters closest to the […]


Grammatical Dictionary Processor

The «Grammatical Dictionary Processor» service allows the user to receive previously loaded and converted to the required format lexicographic data of the grammar dictionary in the form of an HTML table, and to receive SQL instructions for creating a database that contains the entered information in a structured form.   Basic terms and concepts Parsing […]


Voice Activity Detector

The «Voice Activity Detector» service allows user to receive a detailed analysis of the audio recording spectrogram to identify periods of voice activity and the intervals between them. It is possible to obtain results (a list of periods of voice activity or pauses with an indication of time with an accuracy of 10 milliseconds) in […]


Audio guide for the archaeological museum «Biarescie» (Brest city, Belarus)

Audio guide for the archaeological museum of the city of Brest (Belarus). Audio guide page: The purpose of the development is to enable the museum to present its exhibits more easily, as well as to enable real and virtual visitors to get acquainted with the exhibits while they are at the museum and outside […]


UDC Code Finder

The «UDC Code Finder» service allows the user to get a list of Universal Decimal Classification codes, in the descriptions of which one or another word occurs. The input of the service is the word that needs to be found. At the output, the user receives the following information about the UDC classes, where the entered […]


Phonetic Minimizer

The “Phonetic Minimizer” service allows the user to form a minimized set of sentences covering all phonetic units present in the original corpus basing on a corpus of texts in Belarusian. The service receives the text entered by the user or the user selected text base. The user can define two minimization parameters: the base […]


Guide for the international exhibition «Belarus and the Bible»

Guide for the international exhibition «Belarus and the Bible» The audio guide was prepared for «Belarus and the Bible» international exhibition, which took place at the National Library of Belarus from September 20 to October 21, 2018. The exhibition was organized by the National Library of Belarus and the non-profit organization «Manuscript Research Group» (USA). […]


Guide for TIBO-2019

Guide for TIBO-2019 Developed guide for the XXVI International Forum on Information and Communication Technologies TIBO-2019 (TIBO-2019). Launch of the guide: The purpose of development is to enable organizations to present their exhibits at the forum more obtainable, as well as to give an opportunity the real and virtual visitors to familiarize with organizations […]


Service Demonstrator With Authorization

«Service Demonstrator With Authorization» is an implementation of the authorization mechanism based on “Service Demonstrator”. This is a ready-made open-source groundwork for creating future services of the Internet platform for text and speech processing The service demonstrates the possible principle of the work of future services created on its basis.



The «Romanizator» service is designed to convert a Belarusian-language text written in Cyrillic characters into a text written in Latin characters. The service receives a Belarusian-language text recorded in the Belarusian Cyrillic alphabet. This text may have the form of personal names, geographical names or other information. After processing the text, at the output the […]


Service Demonstrator Py

The «Service Demonstrator Py» is an implementation of the “Service Demonstrator” in the Python programming language. This is a ready-made open-source groundwork for creating future services of the Internet platform for text and speech processing Also, the service demonstrates the possible principle of the work of future services created on its basis. The service […]


Phonetic Phenomena Searcher

Service «Phonetic Phenomena Searcher» is used to identify a particular phonetic phenomenon in the entered text.   Access to the service via the API To access the service «Phonetic Phenomena Searcher» via the API, you should send an AJAX-request (type: POST) to the address With an input array data the following parameters are passed: text — […]


Alphabetical Subject Index Generator

The «Alphabetical Subject Index Generator» service makes it possible to convert the text of universal decimal classification tables (UDC) into an alphanumeric subject index (ASI). The UDC tables in the format “class code – class description” through a tab are sent to the service as an input, one class per line. The result of the […]


N-gram Frequency Counter

Tools “N-gram Frequency Counter” for counting the frequency of n number of elements frequency. Symbols and tokens can act as elements, as well as words and even regular expressions. Arbitrary characters is an input for the service. The result of the service is a list of n-grams with their frequencies in the input text.   […]



The Lemmatizer service is designed to determine the initial forms of words. It receives an arbitrary text in Belarusian or Russian. The result of the service is a list of words of the input text with their initial forms, as well as a list of words whose initial form could not be determined. The general […]


Language Identifier

The service «Language Identifier» is designed for identification of the language of the arbitrary text submitted to the input. At the moment, the service recognizes 5 languages: Belarusian, Russian, Ukrainian, English and German.   Basic terms and concepts «Language Identifier» (or language guessing) – a problem related to the field of natural language text processing, […]


Udc Decoder

The «UDC Decoder» service allows the user to receive the decoding of Universal Decimal Classification codes. The input of the service is the UDC code which must be decrypted. At the output, the user receives information on the entered code: class code; class description in English; class description in Belarusian.   Basic terms and concepts […]


Custom Audioguide (abstract)

Product-template for demonstration of possibilities of a mobile application without connection to the particular theme. The mobile application is developed with Java programming language for Android operating system, versions 2.2 and higher. The mobile application has two layers of content: theme; zone; object. A possibility of switching between languages is also demonstrated in this mobile […]


Custom Audioguide (museum)

Product-template for demonstration of possibilities of mobile application in accordance with the museum exhibition needs. The mobile application is developed with Java programming language for Android operating system, versions 2.2 and higher. The mobile application has two layers of content: exposition; object. A possibility of switching between languages is also demonstrated in this mobile application. […]


Druk VKL

Druk VKL will show you the printing office of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in Vilnius, Brest, Niasvizh, Losk, Tsiapina, Zabludau, Liubcha. Druk VKL will tell you which printing office was the first one on the territory of modern Belarus, and which one was the first that started using the Cyrillic alphabet. You will know […]



The mobile application (prototype) is an accessorial module for KrokApp Project. The mobile application is developed with Java programming language for Android operating system, versions 2.2 and higher. The mobile application consists of one screen for content collecting process (figure 1): the input field for city’s name; the input field for sightseeing name; the input […]


Museum NAS Belarus

The first audio guide for Museum of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Mobile application «Museum NAS Belarus» is aimed at wide spreading the information about a part of the installation of developed products of NAS Belarus and about a part of objects in the museum of the history of NAS Belarus. The mobile […]



Razumnik is the first educational mobile application in Belarusian kids and toddlers. The mobile application is developed with Java programming language for Android operating system, versions 2.2 and higher. The mobile application consists of eight parts: alphabet (figure 1); numerals (figure 2); numbers; syllables (figure 3); random number; days; colors. Content is available only in […]


Speech synthesizer

«Speech synthesizer» will voice you any text in Belarusian, Russian or English. With the help of the synthesizer children may have a possibility to learn Belarusian. Synthesizer is a great helper for visually impaired people as well. The mobile application is developed with Java programming language for Android operating system, versions 2.2 and higher. The […]


Phrase Composer

«Phrase Composer» is your helper and guide in the world of the correct pronunciation of phrases and words in Belarusian. The mobile application will help you to learn the Belarusian language or will be your irreplaceable friend if you have some special moments with hearing or speaking. Phrase Composer will help to: compose a phrase […]