«Speech synthesizer» will voice you any text in Belarusian, Russian or English. With the help of the synthesizer children may have a possibility to learn Belarusian. Synthesizer is a great helper for visually impaired people as well.
The mobile application is developed with Java programming language for Android operating system, versions 2.2 and higher.
The mobile application consists of a combination of the input field, buttons of starting the action and of voicing function of input text with speech synthesizer that was developed by Speech Synthesis and Speech Recognition Laboratory of UIIP NAS Belarus. The mobile application is created on the basis of the speech synthesizer that was developed for computational linguistics platform – corpus.by.
Languages that are supplied: Belarusian. English, Russian.
In Belarusian version there are two voices of the synthesizer: man (Boris) and woman (Alesia).
Figure 1. The main screen of mobile application «Speech Synthesizer»
The mobile application is available for free downloading and usage in Google Play Market (Figure 2).
Mobile application «Speech Synthesizer» in Google Play (temporarily unavailable, under update police process)