
(Беларуская) Аўдыягід па Цэнтральным батанічным садзе

Sorry, this entry is only available in Беларуская. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Аўдыягід для Цэнтральнага батанічнага сада Нацыянальнай акадэміі навук Беларусі). Старонка аўдыягіда: Мэта распрацоўкі – павышэнне зручнасці і свабоды перамяшчэння па месцах […]


(Беларуская) Аўдыягід па Лідскім замку

Sorry, this entry is only available in Беларуская. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Аўдыягід па Лідскім замку. Старонка аўдыягіда: Мэта распрацоўкі – даць магчымасць рэальным і віртуальным наведвальнікам пазнаёміцца з экспанатамі Лідскага замка падчас […]


Audio guide for the archaeological museum «Biarescie» (Brest city, Belarus)

Audio guide for the archaeological museum of the city of Brest (Belarus). Audio guide page: The purpose of the development is to enable the museum to present its exhibits more easily, as well as to enable real and virtual visitors to get acquainted with the exhibits while they are at the museum and outside […]


Guide for the international exhibition «Belarus and the Bible»

Guide for the international exhibition «Belarus and the Bible» The audio guide was prepared for «Belarus and the Bible» international exhibition, which took place at the National Library of Belarus from September 20 to October 21, 2018. The exhibition was organized by the National Library of Belarus and the non-profit organization «Manuscript Research Group» (USA). […]


Guide for TIBO-2019

Guide for TIBO-2019 Developed guide for the XXVI International Forum on Information and Communication Technologies TIBO-2019 (TIBO-2019). Launch of the guide: The purpose of development is to enable organizations to present their exhibits at the forum more obtainable, as well as to give an opportunity the real and virtual visitors to familiarize with organizations […]


Custom Audioguide (abstract)

Product-template for demonstration of possibilities of a mobile application without connection to the particular theme. The mobile application is developed with Java programming language for Android operating system, versions 2.2 and higher. The mobile application has two layers of content: theme; zone; object. A possibility of switching between languages is also demonstrated in this mobile […]


Custom Audioguide (museum)

Product-template for demonstration of possibilities of mobile application in accordance with the museum exhibition needs. The mobile application is developed with Java programming language for Android operating system, versions 2.2 and higher. The mobile application has two layers of content: exposition; object. A possibility of switching between languages is also demonstrated in this mobile application. […]


Druk VKL

Druk VKL will show you the printing office of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in Vilnius, Brest, Niasvizh, Losk, Tsiapina, Zabludau, Liubcha. Druk VKL will tell you which printing office was the first one on the territory of modern Belarus, and which one was the first that started using the Cyrillic alphabet. You will know […]



The mobile application (prototype) is an accessorial module for KrokApp Project. The mobile application is developed with Java programming language for Android operating system, versions 2.2 and higher. The mobile application consists of one screen for content collecting process (figure 1): the input field for city’s name; the input field for sightseeing name; the input […]


Museum NAS Belarus

The first audio guide for Museum of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Mobile application «Museum NAS Belarus» is aimed at wide spreading the information about a part of the installation of developed products of NAS Belarus and about a part of objects in the museum of the history of NAS Belarus. The mobile […]



Razumnik is the first educational mobile application in Belarusian kids and toddlers. The mobile application is developed with Java programming language for Android operating system, versions 2.2 and higher. The mobile application consists of eight parts: alphabet (figure 1); numerals (figure 2); numbers; syllables (figure 3); random number; days; colors. Content is available only in […]


Speech synthesizer

«Speech synthesizer» will voice you any text in Belarusian, Russian or English. With the help of the synthesizer children may have a possibility to learn Belarusian. Synthesizer is a great helper for visually impaired people as well. The mobile application is developed with Java programming language for Android operating system, versions 2.2 and higher. The […]


Phrase Composer

«Phrase Composer» is your helper and guide in the world of the correct pronunciation of phrases and words in Belarusian. The mobile application will help you to learn the Belarusian language or will be your irreplaceable friend if you have some special moments with hearing or speaking. Phrase Composer will help to: compose a phrase […]


Orthoepic dictionary of Belarusian language

Orthoepic dictionary is the first full academic dictionary of the Belarusian language, that documents the rules of the literary pronunciation.  The dictionary was published in 2017. As a basis was taken the register of «The Belarusian language dictionary» that consists of 117 000 words. Mobile application «Orthoepic dictionary» is aimed at the investigation in Belarusian […]


Speaking Clock

Mobile application «Speaking Clock» is aimed at voicing of the actual time that corresponds to the time of the mobile device. The mobile application is developed with Java programming language for Android operating system, versions 2.2 and higher. Voicing of time may be performed in two ways: With Speech Synthesizer service that is available on […]


Thematic speech recognition

Mobile Application «Thematic speech recognition» is aimed at speech recognition in terms of several thematic domains (Figure 1). The mobile application is a mobile clone of the web-service «Thematic speech recognition», that is available for usage on the computational linguistics platform After mobile application turns on it starts the speech recognition module immediately and […]


Morse Code Converter

Mobile application «Morse Code Converter» allows a user to convert text into Morse code signals and vice versa, as well as listen to the converted output signal of this code. This mobile application functions as a clone of the same web service platform «Morse Code Converter» and is available on Google Play Market (figure […]


Your map location

Mobile application «Your map location» collects actual geo-data of the user, as well as connected to this data factographic data: date and time of the data collecting (figure 1). The mobile application is written in Java programming language on the basis of the Android operating systems for versions 2.2 and higher. The mobile application was […]


Mobile Bible app

  Mobile Bible application is prepared for the 500th anniversary of the Belarusian Bible. It consists of three sections: 1. New Testament and Parables – A.Bokun’s translation (2016). 2. The New Testament and Psalms – translation of L. Dziokuć-Maliej and A. Luckievič(1931). 3. The Bible –  V. Siomucha’s translation (2002).  


Speaking Calculator

Mobile application «Speaking calculator» voices the numbers that were put in by a user, as well as arithmetic operations and the result of these operations. Now a user may listen to the following elements (figure 1): numerical symbols names: 1 (one), 2 (two), 3 (three), 4 (four), 5 (five), 6 (six), 7 (seven), 8 (eight), […]


Voice Recorder

Mobile application «Voice Recorder» is aimed at recording, saving and listening to the sounds on the mobile device. The mobile application was developed with Java programming language on the basis of the Android operating system for versions 2.2 and higher. Sounds recording is performed with a microphone of the device and is converted to the […]



TextAnalyzer is mobile software for text analysis. TextAnalyzer counts all characters and words in the text. Mobile application can be downloaded from Google Play Market. (temporarily unavailable, under update police process)  


KrokApp – personal audio guide for Belarus

KrokApp is an IT-platform that allows user to hear interesting facts, practical information and useful hints while he moves around the location. KrokApp transforms the country into a big “smart home” – understandable, dynamic and modern. Currently you can listen information about more than 50 cities of Belarus via the KrokApp mobile program. Content is available […]