Service «Phonetic Phenomena Searcher» is used to identify a particular phonetic phenomenon in the entered text.
Access to the service via the API
To access the service «Phonetic Phenomena Searcher» via the API, you should send an AJAX-request (type: POST) to the address With an input array data the following parameters are passed:
- text — arbitrary input text.
- consonantsBel — list of letters denoting consonant sounds in Belarusian language.
By default, БбВвГгДдЖжЗзЙйКкЛлМмНнПпРрСсТтЎўФфХхЦцЧчШшЬь - sonorantBel — list of letters denoting sonorant sounds in Belarusian language.
By default, ВвЙйЛлМмНнРрЎў - obstruentBel — list of letters denoting obstruent sounds in Belarusian language.
By default, БбГгДдЖжЗзКкПпСсТтФфХхЦцЧчШш - hissingBel — list of letters denoting hissing sounds in Belarusian language.
By default, ЗзСсЦц - hushingBel — list of letters denoting hushing sounds in Belarusian language.
By default, ЖжЧчШш - iotationBel — list of iotified vowels in Belarusian language and letter «й».
By default, ЕеЁёЮюЯяЙй - delimiters — list of characters that represent gap of phonetic phenomena at the junction of words.
By default, / - checkbox1 — search for «consonant — consonant» pairs at the junction of two words.
- checkbox2 — search for «sonorant — sonorant» pairs at the junction of two words.
- checkbox3 — search for «obstruent — obstruent» pairs at the junction of two words.
- checkbox4 — search for «hushing — hushing», «hushing — hissing», «hissing — hushing», «hissing — hissing» pairs at the junction of two words.
- checkbox5 — search for «iotified vowel or “й” — iotified vowel or “й”» pairs at the junction of two words.
- checkbox6 — search for pairs of same consonants at the junction of two words.
- setting1 — marker for taking in account delimiters.
Example of AJAX-request:
type: “POST”,
url: “”,
“text”: “Мацнее вецер, значыць жыць імкніся.”,
“consonantsBel”: “БбВвГгДдЖжЗзЙйКкЛлМмНнПпРрСсТтЎўФфХхЦцЧчШшЬь”,
“sonorantBel”: “ВвЙйЛлМмНнРрЎў”,
“obstruentBel”: “БбГгДдЖжЗзКкПпСсТтФфХхЦцЧчШш”,
“hissingBel”: “ЗзСсЦц”,
“hushingBel”: “ЖжЧчШш”,
“iotationBel”: “ЕеЁёЮюЯяЙй”,
“delimiters”: “,”,
“checkbox1”: 1,
“checkbox2”: 1,
“checkbox3”: 1,
“checkbox4”: 1,
“checkbox5”: 1,“checkbox6”: 1,
“setting1”: 1
success: function(msg){ },
error: function() { }
The server returns a JSON-array with the following parameters:
- text — input text.
- result — input text, where phonetic phenomena are highlighted with colours.
- statistics — statistics of found phenomena.
For example, the following reply will be formed on the above listed AJAX-request:
“text”: “Мацнее вецер, значыць жыць імкніся.”,
“statistics”: {
“result”: “Мацнее вецер, значы<span style=”background: #FFCCCC;”>ць ж</span>ыць імкніся.”
Cross references
- Русак, В.П. Праблемы нормы, культура мовы і генератар маўлення / В.П. Русак, Ю.С. Гецэвіч, С.І. Лысы, В.А. Мандзік // Зборнiк дакладаў i тэзiсаў VIII Міжнароднай навукова-практычнай канферэнцыі «Традыцыі і сучасны стан культуры і мастацтваў» (Мiнск, Беларусь, 7–8 верасня 2017 года) / Цэнтр даследаванняў беларускай культуры, мовы і літаратуры НАН Беларусі ; гал. рэд. А. І. Лакотка. — Мінск : Права і эканоміка, 2018. — C. 748-752.