Linguistic and acoustic resources

The technology of person’s voice and diction computer cloning

Clonning technology unlocks new opportunities:

Reading an arbitrary text with a particular person’s voice and diction
Reproducing voices of famous people
Personalized voice warning by CTI methods
Phonoscopic examination on the basis of offenders’ voice clones entered into a data bank
Operative identification of a person’s voice to prevent “telephone terrorism”


The IntoClonator software for prosodic speech parameters cloning

The system serves the purpose of analysing speech/audio signals. It displays the boundaries of the pre-nucleus, the nucleus and the post-nucleus of accentual units, the melody and intensity contours of the spoken phrase. It also allows to automate the process of complex prosodic portraits creation necessary for TTS synthesis. Read more – матэрыялы канферэнцыі “Дыялог […]