We in Mass Media

Academy of Sciences set up Speech Synthesis for Belarusian

United Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for more than 40 years engaged in speech technology. A new direction proposed by the former head of the laboratory, and now – the main researcher, Boris Lobanov Ph.D. – computer person voice cloning.


Philology.BY – International conference “NooJ’2015” (Minsk, June 11–13, 2015)

The Speech synthesis and recognition laboratory of the United Institute of Informatics Problems (UIIP) of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus together with the “ELLIADD” laboratory (Franche-Comte university, Besancon) runs the Eighteenth International Conference on Electronic Documents in Natural Language Processing “NooJ’2015” (11-13 June 2015). This conference: − allows linguistics, computer linguistics researchers to meet […]


Nooj – tool for philologists

The meeting with Max Silberstein, the developer of the linguistic software NooJ, professor of Franche-Comte, French University, took place in the Philology Department on November 26, 2014.


Mova Nanova

The video recording of the presentation by Yuras Hetsevich (in Belarusian) 5.05.2014   A person who taught a computer to speak Belarusian!   Source:http://www.movananova.by/zaniatki/videa-vystup-yurasya-gecevicha-5-05-2014.html


TUT.BY Life histories: Belarusian-speaking businessman, instructor in physics, programmer and… robot

Although not being philologists, historians or cultural officers, nevertheless, they speak Belarusian. On the International Day of Mother-Tongue TUT.BY found the Belarusian-speaking individuals in such places, where it is not often possible to meet them. And even though giving interview about the Belarusian language in Belarus is seemed quite strange for all those who had been asked, these individuals could not refuse and told about their path to mother-tongue. […]


Generation.by. «A user-friendly spell-check service of the Belarusian character “Ў” has emerged on the Internet»

The speech synthesis and recognition laboratory of United Institute of Informatics Problems, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus has developed a user-friendly spell-check web-service of the Belarusian character “Ў”. This special laboratory of the National academy is successfully engaged in researches of the Belarusian language speech recognition and the synthesis algorithms development. And at the time of this great project the other useful programs are being created. Among them is the before-mentioned process-specialized service […]


The universal mobile Belarusian-speaking robot was shown to the public on “TIBO-2013”

April 23, 2013 Alexander Arsenov, IT.TUT.BY During the “TIBO-2013” show, Robotics.by together with the United Institute of Informatics Problems demonstrated several models of universal mobile robot’s prototypes on tracked chassis. How to make an intelligent robot in the pure flush of Belarusian enthusiasm >>> Robots can be controlled both by Wi-Fi or special XBee PRO protocol and by remote control, or by […]


The Yakub Kolas and Yanka Kupala Institute of Language and Literature. “Speak, so that I will see you”

During the last ten years the problems connected with the spoken form of the Belarusian literary language functioning took the special topicality in the native linguistics. At numerous conferences and a number of scientific, popular scientific and publicistic editions addresses the problems of the modern phonetic processes, the moving forces and trends of pronunciation norms, the speech culture and etc. The obvious necessity has matured in drawing general conclusion of scientific achievements and in determination tendencies and prospects […]


Belarus now: “Nowadays thought-starters are issued”

How to engage business into the young people’s scientific research results? What kind of project can get a particular business sponsor interested in? The youth innovation forum “Science and business–2012”, held in the National Academy of Sciences, and where researchers from Belarus and the CIS countries gathered together, is aimed to ask these questions. Almost half of all hundred participants were with the concrete projects, ideas, suggestions. It is no secret that business-community is not keen to […]


The young members of the United Institute of Informatics Problems created the Russian and Belarusian speech synthesizer

Primarily the software had been built for visually impaired, but then a telephone robot for banks and public services appeared. Katerina Shibko reports about one of the hundred ideas for Belarus that was put to good effect. The young researchers of the Academy of Sciences succeeded in creation of the robot that can speak. Unfortunately, it does not enter into a dialogue – it meanwhile vocalizes the […]


SB: “Synthesis check by listening”

It is much easier to deceive eyes than ears. When Yuri Hetsevich types a sentence “Мама мыла раму” (“Mother was cleaning the window frame”), and this phrase is immediately sounded by the “talking head” on the screen, our eyes agree: indeed, the facial gesture beyond the screen is absolutely precise. But our ears, however, are doubtful of intonation. When a large text passage is generated, the distinction between computer-generated and real speech is heard much stronger […]


The Belarusian Language Society represented the Belarusian-language edition of the Road Traffic Regulations

March 20, Minsk. In the residence of the Republican non-governmental association named “The Frantsishak Skaryna Belarusian Language Society”, the presentation of Belarusian-language edition of the Road Traffic Regulations in Belarus took place. This edition underwent the expert review in the Yakub Kolas and Yanka Kupala Language and Literature Institution of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. This excellent reference book, nicely published in one edition of 200 copies, saw the light of day […]


THE REPUBLIC: “High-tech will easily find its market“

16.11.2011 Dzmitry PATYKA, “R” Yesterday opened the Innovation Week. The Prime-minister, who just a while ago was the Head of Academy of Sciences, is well-informed of novelties that are demonstrated at the exposition, therefore the acquaintance with this exposition of national science achievements, opening the Belarusian Innovation Week, was, most likely, just a ceremonial. But his conversations with scientists, who introduced their projects, were lively and interest evoking. The scientists have taken the opportunity and shared their plans about their innovation projects’ advancement, spoke […]


Results of the “Youth Innovation Forum of NAS of Belarus – 2011”

The results of “The Youth Innovation Forum of the NAS of Belarus – 2011” were declared. The honorary mention for the best innovation projects by Aliaxandar Aliaksejevich Stasheuski, Maryna Viktarauna Parkhots, Katiaryna Siargejeuna Zharnikava was expressed by the President of NAS of Belarus. The laser-based dosimeter for singlet oxygen in biological tissues (SSI [State Scientific Institution] “The B.I. Stepanov Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus”), Yury Kanstantinavich Shashko. Establishing the causes of enzime-mycotic exhaustion in seeds (EMES) of Triticale, detecting resistant genotypes and […]


Nasha Niva. Belarusian chatterbox

How computer learned to speak Belarusian: the program speaks with any kind of voice, and the most difficult thing is stresses. For a great number of world’s languages there were created technologies of speech recognition of text-based information and its transference into speech. So, now, the Belarusian language is no longer the exception. In our country the development of such a program is implemented by the United Institute of Informatics Problems of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and also by the Private Unitary Enterprise “Sakrament IT” […]


ZVYAZDA newspaper. “I spoke Belarusian with… computer”

September 14, 2011 № 175 (27038). I spoke Belarusian with… computer. You are not labored under a delusion, and there is no misprint: the “Zvyazda” newsperson did really “talk with” computer by using special program, which recognizes text-based information and transfers it into speech. Such programs already exist for many kinds of languages. Our Academy of Science is engaged, in particular, in development […]