Mova Nanova

The video recording of the presentation by Yuras Hetsevich (in Belarusian) 5.05.2014   A person who taught a computer to speak Belarusian!   Source:http://www.movananova.by/zaniatki/videa-vystup-yurasya-gecevicha-5-05-2014.html


TUT.BY Life histories: Belarusian-speaking businessman, instructor in physics, programmer and… robot

Although not being philologists, historians or cultural officers, nevertheless, they speak Belarusian. On the International Day of Mother-Tongue TUT.BY found the Belarusian-speaking individuals in such places, where it is not often possible to meet them. And even though giving interview about the Belarusian language in Belarus is seemed quite strange for all those who had been asked, these individuals could not refuse and told about their path to mother-tongue. […]