Prime Minister Michail MIASNIKOVIČ and vice president of the Russian Academy of Sciences Žares ALFIORAŬ are listening to a young scientist’s Juraś Hiecevič talk on developments in the sphere of Belarusian and Rusian text-to-speech synthesis.
Yesterday the Belarusian Innovation Week began.
The Prime Minister, who has recently headed the National Academy of Sciences, was well informed about the innovations that are displayed in the exhibition. So, familiarization with the exhibition of national science achievements, which started Belarusian Innovation Week, was very formal. However, his discussions with scientists, who presented their developments, were lively and motivated. On this occasion, they shared their plans for the promotion of innovative projects, talked about the problems, and, as usual, asked for assistance. However, it seemed that it was not necessary because many guests have already been shown great interest in the new products.
116 organizations, including 28 private ones, participated in the exhibition of innovative projects located in the National Library of Belarus, which showed about 800 products.
Among the most eminent developments were the latest medical drugs, for example, “Nitarhal” for cardiovascular diseases treatment, the protection device against electromagnetic radiation of mobile phones, baby foods with high nutritional and biological value. Stands with unmanned aircraft systems, LED lights, some modular multijoined trains were always crowded by participants.
Everyone is interested in such exhibits. However, there were some developments in the exposition, which, with all its uniqueness, attract only specialists. For example, the Belarusian system for automated clothes designing “Avtokroj” has become a subject of great interest among sewers because it helps to get huge savings out of nothing. Public utilities and manufacturers of drinking water drew attention to the water purification plants. Investors from several countries were attracted by DNA-diagnostics tests in sports.
Today, the exhibition, that lasted for two days, is closed. Of course, is too early to talk about its success. But, apparently, many research teams who attract potential investors and partners will be able to develop their projects and enter market with a new product.
Dzmitryj PATYKA
Photo: Aliaksandr TALOČKA